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Lease Agreement

General terms of the lease agreement

1. This lease agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) has been entered into between HVK Business OÜ (hereinafter the Lessor) and the lessee (hereinafter the Lessee).
2. The term “equipment” means the device or accessories described in the list of devices and accessories leased under this Agreement.
3. The equipment is the property of HVK Business OÜ and is and remains the property of HVK Business OÜ, irrespective of the Lessee's interests, declarations of intent, claims for damages, and other requests and circumstances.
4. To lease the equipment, the Lessee shall have a valid photo ID – passport, ID card or driver's license.
5. The Lessor shall make a copy or photo of the valid identity document.
6. Equipment shall not be leased to legal or natural persons in active debt or participating in legal proceedings or included in the payment default register without additional security, which may amount to the value of the equipment to be leased.
7. In the case of an unknown person, the Lessor reserves the right to refuse the lease, to require an additional deposit, or the involvement of a guarantor in the lease agreement who the Lessor accepts.
8. The Lease Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and remain in force from the date of its conclusion until the date of return of the equipment at the time of return provided in the Agreement, if the Lessor has no claims and the Lessee has performed all their contractual obligations.
9. The estimated lease term begins at the time the equipment is delivered to the Lessee and ends at the time the equipment and accessories are returned to the Lessor.
11. Equipment can be leased during the business hours of HVK Business OÜ on work days (Mon–Fri) from 9 AM to 5.30 PM, unless otherwise agreed in writing. On Saturday and Sunday upon agreement for a special fee.
12. The lease term also includes weekends and public holidays, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
13. The possession and liability for the destruction of the equipment is transferred to the Lessee from the moment the Agreement is signed.
14. This Agreement is a document certifying the Lessee's authorization to use the equipment and accessories during the lease term.
15. The Lessor shall not be liable for any costs the Lessee may incur as a result of breakage and/or technical failure of the equipment.
16. The Lessor shall reserve the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally during the lease term if it appears that the Lessee has made false statements upon entry into the Agreement or fails to comply with the terms of the Agreement.
17. In the case of violation of the terms of the Agreement by the Lessee, the Lessor shall reserve the right to appeal to any organization such as the police, collection agencies, law firms, courts, etc., and to demand the Lessee to perform their contractual obligations.
18. The Lessor shall not be liable for any physical, health, mental or material damages caused by the use of the equipment.
19. The leased equipment shall not be modified or altered by the Lessee in such a way as to cause damage to the equipment.

Lease fee

20. The Lessee is obliged to pay the Lessor a fee (lease) for the equipment and accessories for the entire lease term.
21. The Lessee undertakes to make an advance payment for the lease term.
22. If the Lessee exceeds the return date indicated on the invoice submitted to them, the Lessor shall be entitled to claim payment for the exceeded time based on the hourly rate.

Use of the leased equipment

23. The Lessee is obliged to inspect the equipment and accessories before putting them into use and to ensure that they are fitting and in order. The signature on the Agreement confirms the absence of claims.
24. The Lessee undertakes to maintain the equipment and its accessories prudently and to follow the instructions for use of the equipment when using the equipment. The Lessee is obliged to discontinue the use of the equipment immediately and to contact the Lessor if they appear to have insufficient skills and/or knowledge.
25. The Lessee undertakes to use the equipment personally and not make the equipment available to third parties without the Lessor's written consent neither knowingly nor unintentionally.


26. In the event of any damages to the equipment or accessories, a claim settlement form shall be signed, which shall be valid with the Agreement until the claims are resolved.
27. The Lessee shall not use the equipment for illegal activities or illegal purposes. If they do so, the Lessor shall not be responsible for the consequences.
28. The Lessee undertakes to do everything in their power to prevent any damages to the Lessor and third parties.
29. In the case of any incident, theft, malfunction, breakage, loss of equipment, change of possession of the equipment, etc., the Lessee shall immediately inform the Lessor, including during weekends or public holidays.
30. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Lessee shall return the leased equipment at the time specified in the Agreement.
31. The Lessee undertakes to compensate the Lessor for the value of the equipment in the event of a natural disaster, accident, fire, theft, vandalism, loss of equipment, change of possession, fault, breakage, replacement, the equipment getting switched, failure to return or any other incident that prevents the Lessor to use or lease the equipment or accessory in the future.

Return of the leased equipment

32. If the leased equipment is not returned in a timely manner, the equipment is damaged upon return, the equipment is destroyed, lost, stolen, transferred, sold, not returned or in the case of any incident that prevents the use of the equipment for lease, the Lessee becomes immediately obligated to compensate for the damages caused.
33. Upon return, the equipment and accessories shall be in the same condition as when they were handed over.
34. The Lessee is obligated to return the exact same equipment and accessories in the same amount as were leased under the Agreement. The leased equipment and accessories shall be intact upon return, otherwise the Lessor is entitled to claim damages for the damage caused to the equipment and accessories.
35. If the equipment returned to the Lessor requires repairs, the Lessee shall bear the cost pursuant to the price of the item in need of repair or replacement. The Lessor shall determine the place of repair for the equipment.
36. If the repair deed indicates that the repair cost of the equipment exceeds the value of the equipment indicated in the price table, the Lessee shall compensate the Lessor for the value of the equipment. The Lessee shall also incur any costs accompanying the repairs of the equipment such as diagnostics, transport costs, etc. of the equipment.

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